Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Bailey's Birthday and The Alamo

So on the 18th it was Bailey's first Birthday, we decided to take her to this park that is by our apartment. The park was huge it took like 10 minuets just to find where the dog park was lol We let Bailey run around and be a wild girl, since she doesn't get to do that much at home. She was really good too she didn't ever run off or go far away from us!
There she is being a wild girl! She loved following Kellen around. 
We had a good time playing with her and we also took lunch with us, so we kinda went on a family picnic. It was nice to just be together and have fun with our puppy! 
I love my little family soooo much! 
So on Monday we went to the Alamo with Dede and Summer! I have always wanted to go and explore the Alamo. Every time I think of the Alamo I always think about Miss Congeniality the movie and how the pageant was in Texas and they also show the Alamo lol 
It is not as big as I thought it would be, but I love the brick and the old buildings. We could not take any pictures inside so I don't have many pictures to show of the Alamo. 
I had to take this picture for my momma back home, cause I know how she loves arches and southwestern style and the Alamo just reminded me of her! I love you Momma!
The Alamo was beautiful and we enjoyed looking at everything and having fun together as a family! We also went by a couple other places and took some funny pictures!

Summer and I with a very tall man!
Me with a very large woman.......or man???!!!! lol 
Summer and I made a friend while we were out....his name was Jed....we loved him!!
This picture is of the Majestic Theatere where Kellen and I are going to see Wicked on the 24th of this month! I bought the tickets for Kellen's birthday, I am soooo excited for him to see the play I know he will love it! We had a great weekend with our family and with each other, we are blessed with what God has given us. There are still some trials that we are going through, but God is faithful to us and we trust what He has in store for us! We love and miss everyone at home!

Wednesday, February 9, 2011


So this last week we had snow out here in Texas! Kellen got a call at 6 in the morning to not come into work cause the roads were closed due to Ice and Snow. At about 8 Kellen woke up to take bailey out to the bathroom, then he came rushing back in yelling at me to come look outside. It was soo exciting looking out upon Snow!!!!
It was soo cool to have that, Kellen and I have never lived anywhere with snow falling and staying on the ground. But in Texas we can get it but not all the time lol Anyways it was just fun to feel like winter outside, instead of California where its 70 in January lol 
The whole main road was covered in snow. I guess by like 6 in the morning over 300 accidents had happened, so I was glad that Kellen was home safe with me and he didn't have to go to work. 
Bailey had a hard time getting traction on the snow, cause it was hard like ice. She slide down like half of the stairs to get outside, it was pretty funny. 
Anyways it was a pretty awesome day having snow and having Kellen all day long, it was a wonderful day. We are so blessed to have an amazing family and friends here to support us. I have been blessed to have a friend out here, we had friends from California move out here for the military too, but they will only be here till June. It has been so nice to have a friend to hangout with and talk to while Kellen is gone at work. I feel blessed with everything that God has given me and Kellen. I am a blessed wife to have the husband that I do. I love my hubby sooo much and am happy that I get to spend the rest of my life with him.