Monday, January 31, 2011

A week with Sydney!

This past week Kellen had a week off of work and we decided to steal his little sister Sydney for the week! It sure was a fun week and it is great practice for having our own baby someday! She is a sweet girl and we enjoyed spoiling her and playing with her 24-7! We also had our sister Laken come stay with us so we could enjoy her as well! Both of them are a true joy in our lives! It was funny cause every morning I had a routine, I would wake up when Bailey wanted to go out to the bathroom, come in make my morning coffee, watch CSI and wait till Sydney would wake up. When she woke up I would make her oatmeal and yogurt! I loved seeing this face every morning!
I would hangout with Sydney and play with her until the rest of the house would wake up, I enjoyed our little time together every morning! Most days we would wake up and take Sydney for long walks, she always wanted to go outside lol she is and adventurous girl! Kellen and Laken loved taking Sydney and running and playing with her on our walks!
We took Sydney to Toys R US, she loved looking at everything and playing with all the fun toys. We ended up buying her a couple of things, we just could not help it. We bought her this cute outfit!
An we also bought her a Princess tent, which she would refuse to come out of! She loves it too much and it is fun to watch her play in it with all her toys! It kept her occupied for hours!
There was one thing she loved more then anything in the world! A Hot Pink Barbie Mustang! She sure wanted that thing and we had a hard time getting her to get out of it! What a Diva!
It was a wonderful week and we enjoyed it very much, but we are enjoying just being with each other after all the fun this week. Kellen and I are excited to spend some alone time for a while and refresh! We cant wait to have our sisters over again sometime! Kellen and I went to a church this Sunday that we enjoyed, Kellen really liked and we plan on going to it again next Sunday! It is just taking me a little bit more time getting use to something different, I miss my church family back at home, but I know that God has a plan for us out here and he is helping us make this place a home! Here is our sweet child I could not help but add a picture of our baby! She is turning 1 Year Old on February 18! Woooooo!
Love and miss everyone at home! 

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Exploring San Antonio

So this past Monday the family went to the Riverwalk in San Antonio and had a little adventure. The Riverwalk was so beautiful, so many shops and cool things to see. 
It was a little cold outside, but it was well worth our time going, we didn't get to walk the whole river. That just means that we get to go back and explore some more. We went into shops and looked around, me and the girls could not help but try on some cowgirl hats!
I plan on buying one in the near future, I need my Cowgirl boots and Cowgirl hat and I will be all set!
There were lots of cool restaurants for Kellen and I to go eat dinner at(hint hint!)!!
There is a park by the riverwalk, also you can get to the Alamo from the Riverwalk, we have not explored that yet, but we plan on going next weekend! At one end of the Riverwalk there was a Mall called the RiverCenter, it was Awesome!!! I see myself there in the near future!
This is the Rivercenter! Can't wait to go back there! We had a pretty fun time down there with everyone and we are excited to go back and enjoy it more. I see lots of date nights down there! This week Kellen started his new job and we are really excited about it. It is gonna be a great job for him, I know that he will do amazing as an Instructor! 
There is my cute Husband! I am so blessed to have him! I praise God everyday that I get to love that man for the rest of my life. We are so greatful for everything that God has given us and we are blessed to have such an amazing family here and at home!

Friday, January 14, 2011

Getting Settled

It's been awhile, but we are finally in our apartment and getting settled in San Antonio. Our stuff was behind a couple weeks, but all that matters is that our stuff is here now. We have tons of help getting our stuff unpacked.
This is when we were getting that couch in the apartment it would not fit in the door so we had to take the railing off on the balcony and pull it up that way. Remember that we are on the second floor!!! There were boxes everywhere it was a disaster!
I am lucky that I had so much help cause we unloaded everything within the first day, now its just a matter of organization and decorating everything! I can't wait till this is done and this home feels complete. I am so blessed to have such  helpful husband who supports me in everything. 
It's weird not knowing where anything is, but that will take some time to get use to. I am loving having so much space in our new apartment, its wonderful to have a place for guests.......I am expecting visits from everyone! 
This I my guest room awaiting people to come visit it!
I am happy here and I love the houses and everything they are so beautiful, I can't wait to explore more of the city and go to the Riverwalk. I know that so many exciting things are in store for me and Kellen, I am so happy that we are finally getting settled and starting our life here. I praise God for our family and the support that we have here. We also got a addition to our family when we arrived our first child Bailey Rae Holcomb.
We miss everyone at home and love everyone! I guess that is all for now, now back to decorating!